Be really whole and all things will come to you.
In the classes you can improve the stability and condition of your body in your own speed, guided by the teacher. By breathing deeply and relaxing consciously you reduce stress and your mind becomes quiet. The more you listen to your body, the more concentrated you become. This enables you to change habits and prevent complaints.
In her classes Annika Luschin emphasizes that the yoga poses are learned correctely so that the body feels light, flexible and strong. She is also specialized in modern pelvic floor training. A healthy pelvic floor supports the movement and improves the well being of men and women alike. You can experience strength and ease in the yoga postures and then take this sensation with you into your daily life.
Annika Luschin has completed a three-year yoga teachers training in classical yoga in Amsterdam and is a certified Vijnana Yoga teacher. She has over ten years of teaching experience at several yoga studios, universities and art educations in Norway, The Netherlands and Austria.
More about Annika Luschin.
All life is yoga.
Sri Aurobindo
Course 1: all levels
Monday 19:00-20:30
Course 2: all levels
Wednesday 19:00-20:30
Course 3: all levels
Saturday 10:00-11:30
Other dates and times are possible after appoinment and with minimal 3 participants.
Costs: 150,- per course (13 times)
Try out class: 10,-
It is possible to start anytime.
Private class: after appointment
65,- per class
The body is not there to be conquered, but to be discovered.
Dona Holleman, Yogi
You cannot stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.
Joseph Goldstein
This is an invitation for those who wish to practice meditation together. Meditation or Sitting is part of the classical yoga practice. Patanjali says in his Yoga Sutras: ”Yoga is quieting the fluctuations of the mind.” We direct our mind inwards and just sit. We allow ourselves to enter that quiet space, to slow down and look deeply.
What has been practiced by people around the world for thousands of years, has also been confirmed by modern science: Meditation affects body and mind positively. Just 10 minutes of quiet sitting every day helps us to keep our physiological and mental balance.
For whom:Usually we sit on a cushion on the floor. You can also use a chair, if necessary.
Simplifying our activities doesn’t mean sinking into laziness, but on the contrary, getting rid of the most subtle aspect of laziness: the one which makes us take on thousands of less important activities.
Matthieu Ricard
Dette er en invitasjon til alle som ønsker å praktisere meditasjon sammen. Meditasjon eller Sitting er en del av klassisk yogapraksis. Patanjali sier i sine Yoga sutras: ”Yoga bringer sinnets bevegelser til ro.” Vi retter oppmerksomheten innover og bare sitter. Vi gir oss selv lov til å gå inn i dette stille rommet, å senke tempoet og å se dypt.
Det som har blitt praktisert av mennesker verden rundt i tusener av år er også bekreftet av moderne vitenskap: Meditasjon påvirker kroppen og sinnet positivt. Bare 10 minutter med å sitte stille hver dag hjelper oss å opprettholde vår fysiologiske og mentale balanse.
For hvem:
Vanligvis sitter vi på en pute på gulvet. Du kan også bruke en stol om nødvendig.
Vennligst ta med en egen pute eller et teppe til å sitte på.
In this class you can playfully enhance your movement skills and deepen your understanding of the yoga poses. Each session is dedicated to a specific theme. For example: The warrior, birds, geometry alive, arabesque animale, the heritage of the sages, the world upside down, the tree, etc.
We work with thematically connected yoga postures and guided movement explorations, which stimulate our imagination and encourage personal movement invention. Allowing ourselves to move, we will discover the joyous flow of dancing, three dimensionality, sense of space and fully embodied movement.
For whom:
Open level, beginners and advanced, also well suited for dancers and practitioners of yoga.
På dette kurset kan du på en leken måte utvikle bevegelsesferdighetene dine, og utdype forståelse for yogastillingene. Hver gang vil vi jobbe med et spesifikt tema. For eksempel: Krigeren, fugler, levende geometri, arabesque animale, arven fra vismennene, verden opp-ned, treet, etc.
Vi tar for oss yogastillinger som er forbundet med disse temaene. Under ledelse utforsker vi danserisk bevegelse, noe som stimulerer fantasien og oppfordrer til å lage egne bevegelser. Ved å gi oss selv lov til å danse opplever vi den gledelige flyten i å bevege seg, tredimensjonalitet, romopplevelse og full tilstedeværelse.
For hvem:
Åpent nivå, begynnere og viderekomne, også velegnet for dansere og utøvere av yoga.
Annika Luschin gives workshops at the beautiful Mountain Resort Feuerberg. On 1700 meters above see level she offers morning meditation, yoga and body awareness through dance.
Here in this body are the sacred rivers: here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places... I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.